The Trinion Contradictions explore the relationship between free will, destiny, and intervention and argue that these concepts cannot coexist. The Trinion Contradictions assert that design, detailed arrangement, or established plan negates the idea of the individual power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate, as well as the idea of direct intervention or the need to request such intervention. Additionally, the ability to act at one’s own discretion would ultimately alter any established plan and void any such advanced arrangement or design due to the concept of cause and effect.
The Trinion Contradictions Defined

The Trinion Contradictions demonstrate how design, detailed arrangement, or established plan negates the idea of the individual power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate. It also negates the idea of direct intervention or the need to request such intervention.
In addition, the ability to act at one’s own discretion would ultimately alter any established plan and void any such advanced arrangement or design due to what is known about “cause and effect.”
Any intervention would negate the assumed reasons behind free will. Aid would not and could not be rendered through prayer if a plan were in place. Such actions would negate free will and would alter any established plan.
The Trinion Contradictions clearly demonstrate that Free Will, Destiny, and Intervention cannot and do not coexist and that one cannot equal the other.
Deist Reflection & Clarification
Thomas Paine called God his “friend” (1). Consider the following: Reason is our friend. Logic is our friend. Nature is our friend. Why would “God” not be our friend as well? These friends are personal to us but not “personal” by way of either intervention or interaction.
We love a sunset or the wind in our faces. These are expressions of the God that we love. When we think about it this way, we see that we can love God or his creation, but that this emotion does not equate to intervention or reciprocation by either God or Creation.
Thomas Paine also said, “All the tales of miracles, with which the Old and New Testament are filled, are fit only for impostors to preach and fools to believe.”(1) This is important to note because, by definition, a miracle is “an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs.” It is important to note that the idea of miracles is recognized throughout most organized religions.
We can know the Trinion’s reality by understanding that if God saw fit to intervene, it would then be a retraction and/or alteration of his plan or an infringement upon the free will of another. Free will simply cannot exist if life is predestined. This is because there is no option for selection between two or more possibilities if outcomes are predetermined. Also, the ability to act at one’s own discretion (free will) cannot exist if intervention is a reality because it would bias and/or alter the choice and the result – (of course, I will love a super-being who will fix things for me). Finally, solidified and predetermined outcomes negate any need for intervention or free will anyway.
Remember: prayer (request for intervention) is, more often than not, a solemn request to God himself. Paine was right when he said that “a man does not serve God when he prays, for it is himself he is trying to serve.”
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1 – Paine, T., & Conway, M. D. (1894). The Writings of Thomas Paine, collected and edited by Moncure Daniel Conway. New York: G. P. Putnam.
Reason, Religion and the Trinion Contradictions: 1st – 3rd Editions. United States: DMR Publications, 2016 to Current. Print/Online
The Trinion Contradictions © Dr. David M. Robertson – 1999 to current.
Posted on this site with written permission to do so.